Want your Animated Link on my site? Please read the info below.
Pic: If you E-mail me a pick with out the HTML code, then please send me Pic and the URL you want me to link it to, and the "N.S.E." then just push "Add Your Animated Link!"
HTML Code: All you have to do is send me the HTML Code and the "N.S.E." then push "Add Your Animated Link!"
N.S.E.: all N.S.E stand for is Name/Nick-Name, Site, and E-mail, yes you need to send this info about you! But sending you site URL is opstional. As soon as i add it to my site i will e-mail you to tell you your link has been added. Dont worry I won't send any junk mail. Yes I'm going to make a thing who is ranked the Best. Dont worry it's comming soon. Notice I will put your link any whare on my site, but if you dont want that and want it on a certin page then please add that with the e-mail. When you E-mail me please make sure the subject is "Add My Link!".
What do I consider as a animated link? I dont consider it a big a** banner (for more info on adding banners check out F.A.Q.'s) A animated link has to be the size of 88*31 pixels, and it doesn't have to be animated at all as long as it has the Name and/or URL of your site on it. The pic below is a example. Thanks for adding your site!
Add your link: Add your oun link (as shown above) doesn't include a animated link/banner. All it includes is the name of your site and your sites URL. Witch is good if you don't have a animated link/banner. The "Add your link" (as shown above) is not juged by popularity, it's in random order, so it gives every body a chance for there site to be looked at.